The Legal Connection, Inc.

Madeline Wilson

Madeline is a spirited individual with a unique journey that spans from the vibrant streets of Houston to the rich cultural heritage of New Orleans, where she grew up as an only child. Her thirst for knowledge led her to attend Tulane University, where she pursued a Bachelor of Liberal Arts in History and Latin American Studies. After graduating in 2020, she found her way to the eclectic city of Austin. Determined to expand her skillset, Madeline obtained a paralegal certification from UT while working at TLC, where her loyalty lies as a passionate and dedicated case manager, finding immense joy in her work. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Madeline’s love for nature and plants shines through, with over 10 plants adorning her home and office spaces. As a devoted dog mom to Fearless, the adorable 5-year-old chiweenie she rescued, Madeline finds love and fulfillment in caring for her furry companion. In her free time, she expresses her creativity through art and immerses herself in the vibrant Austin community, exploring exciting events and trying out new places, making the most of her time in this lively city that she now calls home.
The Legal Connection, Inc.